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beam of a loom

  • 1 כלונס

    כְּלוֹנָסm. (a sing. of κελεόντες, as if κελέονς) beam of the loom, in gen. beam, pole. Kel. XX, 3 קבעו בכ׳ if he inserted the transverse staff of the loom in the beam; כסא שקבעו בכ׳ if one fixes a chair on the top of a beam; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.XI, 5. Zab. III, 3 על הכ׳ Ar. (ed. האכ׳) was seated on a beam. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath, II, 2 כליניס ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.). Ib. VII, 2 כליונים ed. Zuck. (ed. כלינוס, corr. acc.). (Ab. dR. N. ch. XXIV, v. כָּלִינוֹס.Pl. כְּלוֹנְסוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסִיּוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסָאוֹת. B. Bath.67b (expl. בתולות) כ׳ של ארזוכ׳ cedar beams supporting the transverse press beam. R. Hash. II, 3 (22b) כלונסא׳ (Ms. M. 2 קְלוֹנְסוֹת). Sifré Num. 160. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath. II, 2; a. e.

    Jewish literature > כלונס

  • 2 כְּלוֹנָס

    כְּלוֹנָסm. (a sing. of κελεόντες, as if κελέονς) beam of the loom, in gen. beam, pole. Kel. XX, 3 קבעו בכ׳ if he inserted the transverse staff of the loom in the beam; כסא שקבעו בכ׳ if one fixes a chair on the top of a beam; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.XI, 5. Zab. III, 3 על הכ׳ Ar. (ed. האכ׳) was seated on a beam. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath, II, 2 כליניס ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.). Ib. VII, 2 כליונים ed. Zuck. (ed. כלינוס, corr. acc.). (Ab. dR. N. ch. XXIV, v. כָּלִינוֹס.Pl. כְּלוֹנְסוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסִיּוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסָאוֹת. B. Bath.67b (expl. בתולות) כ׳ של ארזוכ׳ cedar beams supporting the transverse press beam. R. Hash. II, 3 (22b) כלונסא׳ (Ms. M. 2 קְלוֹנְסוֹת). Sifré Num. 160. Tosef.Kel.B. Bath. II, 2; a. e.

    Jewish literature > כְּלוֹנָס

  • 3 כובד

    כּוֹבֶדm. (b. h. כֹּבֶד; כָּבֵר) 1) weight, heaviness, pressure. Snh.63b א״ת כבודו אלא כּוֹבְדוֹ Ms. M., v. כָּבֵד II. Yoma 41b בעי כ׳ it requires weight (must be heavy so as to sink into the fire). Ib. כדי שיהא בהן כ׳ (they are tied together) in order that they may be heavy. Y. Ḥag.II, 77d צריך לכבוש את כּוֹבְדוֹ (in putting his hands on the sacrifice) he must press his weight on it; (Bab. ib. 16b סמיכה בכל בחו). Naz.5a כ׳ the feeling of heaviness (of the hair).כ׳ ראש bending down the head; humble, solemn disposition, opp. קלות ראש. Ber.V, 1 אין עומדין … כ׳ ראש we must not rise for prayer in any other than a humble Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39d top; Tosef. ib. I, 2 שואל בשלומו בכ׳ר׳ greet him with a bent head (without ostentation). M. Kat. 21b בשפה רפח ובכ׳ר׳ in an undertone and with solemnity. 2) roller or beam of a loom; כ׳ חעליון the upper beam from which the warp depends; כ׳ התחתון the lower beam, the roller on which the web is wound as it advances. Kel. XXI, 1 (Talm. ed. כֹּבֶד). Neg. XI, 9 ( fem.). Sabb.113a; Y. ib. XVII, 16a bot.

    Jewish literature > כובד

  • 4 כּוֹבֶד

    כּוֹבֶדm. (b. h. כֹּבֶד; כָּבֵר) 1) weight, heaviness, pressure. Snh.63b א״ת כבודו אלא כּוֹבְדוֹ Ms. M., v. כָּבֵד II. Yoma 41b בעי כ׳ it requires weight (must be heavy so as to sink into the fire). Ib. כדי שיהא בהן כ׳ (they are tied together) in order that they may be heavy. Y. Ḥag.II, 77d צריך לכבוש את כּוֹבְדוֹ (in putting his hands on the sacrifice) he must press his weight on it; (Bab. ib. 16b סמיכה בכל בחו). Naz.5a כ׳ the feeling of heaviness (of the hair).כ׳ ראש bending down the head; humble, solemn disposition, opp. קלות ראש. Ber.V, 1 אין עומדין … כ׳ ראש we must not rise for prayer in any other than a humble Y.Ab. Zar. I, 39d top; Tosef. ib. I, 2 שואל בשלומו בכ׳ר׳ greet him with a bent head (without ostentation). M. Kat. 21b בשפה רפח ובכ׳ר׳ in an undertone and with solemnity. 2) roller or beam of a loom; כ׳ חעליון the upper beam from which the warp depends; כ׳ התחתון the lower beam, the roller on which the web is wound as it advances. Kel. XXI, 1 (Talm. ed. כֹּבֶד). Neg. XI, 9 ( fem.). Sabb.113a; Y. ib. XVII, 16a bot.

    Jewish literature > כּוֹבֶד

  • 5 ניר IV

    נִירIV m. (v. preced.; cmp. jugum a. ζυγόν, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela) cross-beam of the loom, also the cross-rod under the cross-beam (liciatorium) to which the ends of the leashes are fastened; trnsf. (mostly pl.) נִירִים, נִירִין the leashes or thrums to which the threads of the warp are fastened; also the warp. Gen. R. s. 94, v. פָּתַל. B. Kam. 119b אין לוקחין … ולא נ׳ you must not buy from the weaver remnants of woof or of warp threads. Kel. XXI, 1 הנוגע … בנ׳ he who touches the upper beam … or the rods, contrad. to קֵירוֹס.בית נ׳ that portion of the web produced by passing the spool with the woof across the warp, mesh, slip. Sabb.XIII, 2 (105a) העושה שני בתי נ׳ בנִירַיִּיםוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. בנירין) he who starts a web by making two meshes, attaching them either to the cross-pieces or to the slips (קֵירוֹס). Ib. 105a ברוחב ג׳ בתי נ׳ within a distance of three meshes; (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 1 על ג׳ בתים). Y. ib. VII, 10c שני נ׳ בחף … בניר אחד two sets of warp threads fastened to one old border web (licium) or two borders fastened to one set of warp threads. Shek. VIII, 5 על ע״ב נ׳וכ׳ Ms. M. a. Ar. (ed. נימין; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l., p. לד, note) the curtain was woven on seventy-two leashes, and each twist of the warp (נִימָה) contained twenty four threads; Ḥull.90b; Tam.29b נימין; Num. R. s. 4 נימין; Tanḥ. Vayaḳh. 7 נימין; ed. Bub. 10 נירים.

    Jewish literature > ניר IV

  • 6 נִיר

    נִירIV m. (v. preced.; cmp. jugum a. ζυγόν, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela) cross-beam of the loom, also the cross-rod under the cross-beam (liciatorium) to which the ends of the leashes are fastened; trnsf. (mostly pl.) נִירִים, נִירִין the leashes or thrums to which the threads of the warp are fastened; also the warp. Gen. R. s. 94, v. פָּתַל. B. Kam. 119b אין לוקחין … ולא נ׳ you must not buy from the weaver remnants of woof or of warp threads. Kel. XXI, 1 הנוגע … בנ׳ he who touches the upper beam … or the rods, contrad. to קֵירוֹס.בית נ׳ that portion of the web produced by passing the spool with the woof across the warp, mesh, slip. Sabb.XIII, 2 (105a) העושה שני בתי נ׳ בנִירַיִּיםוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. בנירין) he who starts a web by making two meshes, attaching them either to the cross-pieces or to the slips (קֵירוֹס). Ib. 105a ברוחב ג׳ בתי נ׳ within a distance of three meshes; (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 1 על ג׳ בתים). Y. ib. VII, 10c שני נ׳ בחף … בניר אחד two sets of warp threads fastened to one old border web (licium) or two borders fastened to one set of warp threads. Shek. VIII, 5 על ע״ב נ׳וכ׳ Ms. M. a. Ar. (ed. נימין; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l., p. לד, note) the curtain was woven on seventy-two leashes, and each twist of the warp (נִימָה) contained twenty four threads; Ḥull.90b; Tam.29b נימין; Num. R. s. 4 נימין; Tanḥ. Vayaḳh. 7 נימין; ed. Bub. 10 נירים.

    Jewish literature > נִיר

  • 7 מסכת

    מַסֶּכֶתf. (b. h.; סָכַךְ I) 1) web on the loom. Ohol. VIII, 4 מ׳ הפרוסה the spread web, i. e. the web hanging from the transverse beam (vestis pendens, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela). Kel. XXI, 1 נפש המ׳ the woof, opp. to שתי עומד the warp of the standing loom. Midr. Till. to Ps. 38; Yalk. Ps. 733 אנו המ׳וכ׳ we are the web, and Thou the weaver; a. e. 2) (cmp. Lat. textus) construction, Talmudic treatise. Ruth R. to II, 9 (play on וַיַּסֵּךְ, 2 Sam. 23:16) עשאה מ׳ וקבעהוכ׳ (not מסכתא) he (David) constructed it and fixed it as a rule for future generations that the king forces the road (v. Snh.II, 4); Midr. Sam. ch. 20; Y.Snh.II, 20c top. Sabb.114a, v. כַּלָּה; a. fr.Pl. מַסֶּכְתּוֹת. Midr. Till. to Ps. 104:25 אלו המ׳ דברוכ׳ those are the systematic collections of Bar . Num. R. s. 18 ששים מ׳ sixty Talmudic treatises (editions, however, count sixty-three); Tanḥ. Korah 12; Cant. R. to VI, 9 (not … תיות); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מסכת

  • 8 מַסֶּכֶת

    מַסֶּכֶתf. (b. h.; סָכַךְ I) 1) web on the loom. Ohol. VIII, 4 מ׳ הפרוסה the spread web, i. e. the web hanging from the transverse beam (vestis pendens, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela). Kel. XXI, 1 נפש המ׳ the woof, opp. to שתי עומד the warp of the standing loom. Midr. Till. to Ps. 38; Yalk. Ps. 733 אנו המ׳וכ׳ we are the web, and Thou the weaver; a. e. 2) (cmp. Lat. textus) construction, Talmudic treatise. Ruth R. to II, 9 (play on וַיַּסֵּךְ, 2 Sam. 23:16) עשאה מ׳ וקבעהוכ׳ (not מסכתא) he (David) constructed it and fixed it as a rule for future generations that the king forces the road (v. Snh.II, 4); Midr. Sam. ch. 20; Y.Snh.II, 20c top. Sabb.114a, v. כַּלָּה; a. fr.Pl. מַסֶּכְתּוֹת. Midr. Till. to Ps. 104:25 אלו המ׳ דברוכ׳ those are the systematic collections of Bar . Num. R. s. 18 ששים מ׳ sixty Talmudic treatises (editions, however, count sixty-three); Tanḥ. Korah 12; Cant. R. to VI, 9 (not … תיות); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מַסֶּכֶת

См. также в других словарях:

  • Beam — (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod, spoke of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beam center — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beam compass — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Beam engine — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beam feather — Beam Beam (b[=e]m), n. [AS. be[ a]m beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. b[=a]m tree, OS. b[=o]m, D. boom, OHG. boum, poum, G. baum, Icel. ba[eth]mr, Goth. bagms and Gr. fy^ma a growth, fy^nai to become, to be. Cf. L. radius staff, rod …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • beam — [bēm] n. [ME < OE, a tree, piece of wood, column; akin to Ger baum, Du boom, tree] 1. Obs. the squared off trunk of a tree 2. a) a long, thick piece of wood, metal, or stone, used in building b) such a piece used as a horizontal support for a… …   English World dictionary

  • Loom — For other uses, see Loom (disambiguation). Draper power loom in Lowell, Massachusetts …   Wikipedia

  • beam — beamless, adj. beamlike, adj. /beem/, n. 1. any of various relatively long pieces of metal, wood, stone, etc., manufactured or shaped esp. for use as rigid members or parts of structures or machines. 2. Building Trades. a horizontal bearing… …   Universalium

  • beam — n. & v. n. 1 a long sturdy piece of squared timber or metal spanning an opening or room, usu. to support the structure above. 2 a a ray or shaft of light. b a directional flow of particles or radiation. 3 a bright look or smile. 4 a a series of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • beam — /bim / (say beem) noun 1. a thick, long piece of timber, shaped for structural use. 2. a similar piece of metal, stone, etc. 3. Building Trades one of the main horizontal supporting members in a building or the like, as for supporting a roof or… …  

  • beam — I. noun Etymology: Middle English beem, from Old English bēam tree, beam; akin to Old High German boum tree Date: before 12th century 1. a. a long piece of heavy often squared timber suitable for use in construction b. a wood or metal cylinder in …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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